What is Assisted Living?
The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) defines Assisted Living as:
- A special combination of housing, supportive services, personal assistance, and health services designed to respond to the individual needs of those who need help with activities of daily living.
- Supportive services are available, 24 hours a day, to meet scheduled and unscheduled needs, in a way that promotes maximum dignity and independence for each resident and involves the resident’s family, neighbors, and friends. A special combination of housing, supportive services, personal assistance, and health services designed to respond to the individual needs of those who need help with activities of daily living.
What is the philosophy behind Assisted Living?
- Offering cost-effective quality care personalized for the individual’s needs.
- Fostering independence for each resident.
- Treating each resident with dignity and respect.
- Promoting the individuality of each resident.
- Allowing each resident choice of services and lifestyle.
- Protecting each resident’s right to privacy.
- Nurturing the spirit of each resident.
- Involving family and friends in service planning and implementation.
- Providing a safe, residential environment.
- Making the Assisted Living residence a valuable community asset.
How is assisted living regulated?
Regulations and licensure requirements vary from state to state, contributing to a wide range of senior housing models that are considered assisted living.
Iowa law requires assisted living programs to be certified and monitored by the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals (IDIA) in order to operate in the state of Iowa.
Further information on certification can be obtained from Department of Elder Affairs at 515-242-3338 or 800-532-3213.
Concerns about assisted living programs are filed with the Department of Inspection and Appeals at 877-686-0027. Information regarding re-certification surveys and complaint history can be obtained at 515-242-3338 or 800-532-3213.
How many assisted living residences are there?
While there is no information on the exact number of Assisted Living residences in America today, estimates range from 30,000 to 40,000. Approximately one million individuals live in Assisted Living residences. Residences may be free standing or housed with other residential options, such as independent living or nursing care. They may be operated by nonprofit or for-profit companies. Most facilities have between 25 and 120 units. Units may vary in size from one room to a full apartment.
Who lives in assisted living residences?
Assisted living residents must be 55 years of age or older or have a disability that negates living alone. They may require only intermittent or part-time health related care. A typical community member is 85 or older, female and either widowed or single. Our residents may suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or other memory disorders. Windsor Manor’s Assisted Living Program is designed for residents who range from semi-independent persons who need some support to moderately dependent persons who require some assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs).